It is a fact, when a guy have not fucked for three or four days in a row, things get dicey. His requirement usually lessen as time goes by and he is more likely to be trapped by any girl, because he has a feeling that he needs to balance this excessive energy. The younger he is, the less he is able to master this energy. So as days go by, he is less and less picky, like a women when she ages from her thirties and start to have mileage. The girl’s pyramid lasts decades. A guy’s pyramid is a matter of days. As a matter of fact this energy varies every month for a girl and is easier to predict than for guys who might have or not have a routine about his sexual life.
After a guy released pressure once or twice, the energy is gone. It is a psychological-physiological variation. A matter of good balance. For a man, when you fuck too much (actually the climax itself) it makes it less and less interesting for a while. Then start over again. A circle. Boring. A pain in the ass in fact.
The strength of desire and sexual energy will be not as important in day +1 than after 3 days of retention. Of course it is also related to your usual routine. A bit like eating habits. As time goes by the desire will lessen and you will get to a new routine, but like with food, not many people are able to sustain a diet.

Guys actually don’t give a damn about sex. When we say men think with their d###, it is true and false. If men would think with their d### there would just exist only a one unique porn video in the world and the sex industry would not be as lucrative as it is. Yes, sex is a drug but it is way more complex. Guys don’t give a damn about sex. What they need is the tags on the porn sites: usually it goes with different scenarios, different girls, different clothes, different places, different context,… For a men to stay aroused in this world of competition and awards, it is necessary for him to:
- allow intervals between intercourse with the same scenario (wait until the energy comes back with the same girl), or
- change the scenario every time (changing the girl, usually).
It is necessary to increase quality or quantity somewhere. But it can be dangerous and lead to extreme behavior. That is why there is actually a third path that I will mention later.

Guys actually don’t give a damn about sex. If so, it would be so easy for girls to keep a man. Because girls got dumped for any other reason but not this one.
The most expensive prostitute is not a beautiful pornstar. She is a girl who have these skills but also has a good amount of Girlfriend Experience in her skills. Humans need love and attention, this fills much more than anything else. Connection. Energy link. Going in circles is just when you fill yourself with emptiness. The more you fill yourself with love, the bigger the circle is. The less you Merry-go-round.

For girls, they have to wait that their partner is ready enough to master their strong energy. It can take a long time, sometimes never happens, and the girl will feel that the guy is just masturbating himself in their vagina (eg. having sex) instead of “making love“. And of course, it doesn’t help when the girl thinks that she has to make the guy shoot the load to satisfy him or to feel good with her own skills and market value. Or even more morbid when she thinks that he will not fool around easily if he is unloaded. She is the first victim of this kind of tricks. Sex is not about climax but girls all want it and then they feel unloved and frustrated if it doesn’t happen. 99.999% of the time the guy is not even controling the fact that it is not happening.
Many guys lack of self-esteem. This self-esteem can artificially be refilled by conquering and “hunting” or “fishing”. This activity boosts self-confidence and is fun indeed. It can be implemented outside any will to have a relationship. Just for what it is, nothing more. Indeed, segregating “activities” is another way to be more productive.

But in the meanwhile, the girl can still manipulate the guy for its own “good” (it requires first to know well your partner):
- Manipulate the body: Refuse the climax from time to time (dangerous for unexperienced ones)
- Manipulate the mind: Accept men’s weakness. A paradox. Letting someone feel free (to fuck around basically here) will avoid making him feel forced or controlled. It neutralizes a bit the ‘rebel’ inside the guy. Any girl reach to a point that her jealousy takes the lead and she becomes manipulative, all driven by fear, and most of the time not even aware of this).
- Manipulate the ego: Stimulate imagination. Change style. Cosplay. Fantasies. Roleplays etc.
For example, a way for the girl to avoid the boy to fool around to find other girls is to become herself all the other girls. This is a concept that cannot really be executed entirely but some ajustment can still be done: Stop thinking that you are just one person, one behavior, one personality. And start accepting the fact that we are multiple. In this aspect it is then necessary to express yourself with kindness and respect, not by controlling others because of your fears.
The second way to exit this matrix is to understand that jealousy is in vain since we don’t own and we will never own someone else. And fighting against this fake outside ennemy (someone else’s behavior) will just reinforce it.
Finally, any manipulation should be made for the growth of both parts. Maybe it can be a mutual agreement to do it. Manipulation is to be used cautiously and should serves the evolution and growth of all humans. Consequently, if you don’t understand this, better not to try. But if you feel that it is another step to mutual understanding and improvement, this is the way to go. A first step to liberation.
Life tricks us. There is no other way but to trick ourselves to exit the game.