Hollywood movies are always the same. Not only they include the same elements – helps the audience to eat it -, but they are also full of keypoints to understand the world. If only you want to be smart enough to find it. A super hero movie is not only an entertainment to sell commercials and popcorn. They are half-encrypted messages to let us know who we are.
I used to hate Sci-Fi movies, extreme FX and weird characters until I realized this.
The bad guy is a good guy
Hollywood movies are always the same because they always say the same things. We can notice that in many action movies, or Sci-Fi or super hero movies, the final battle gets longer and longer between the good guy and the bad guy. In old movies it was enough for the good guy to punch the bad guy only once at the right place and the movie was over. Nowadays it last at least 15 minutes and the lights and sounds is so much extreme that you feel you want to throw up.
Thus, in this final scene that you will recognize (no need to mention a specific movie because they are all the same), the good guy and the bad guy finally face each other in a final battle. Usually the good guy want to revenge from injustice or save the world that is threaten by the bad guy.
However, the bad guy teaches us something important here. As he is almost done and close to win, he still takes the time to exacerbate the negative emotions of the good guy. He intentionnally reminds to the hero all the bad things he had done to him (“I killed all your family, because of me you suffered much in your childhood, I killed your wife…”). Therefore, the good guy (he is a good boy isn’t it? he obeys and let it happen) enters the game and listen to this speech that will make him even more angry. Finally, after this the good guy of course wins.
It is pretty clear that it is here a keypoint that we should not avoid. Most humans flee from their own emotions because they are hard to handle. Sometimes they are burried in a unconscious past, sometimes under kilos of fat, or controlled in a more contemporary way with a cigarette, a disgusting piss-like pint of beer, a Netflix binge-watching, a workaholic behavior, or with any love relationship that can help to run away from them or forget them. However it is clear that it is when we face our emotions, when we accept them and integrating them that we can set ourselves free from them. Life is a paradox. Who do we think we run away from but ourselves? It is the only way to win this battle. Whoever would choose to kill the bad guy without listening to his violent and harmful speech will make the opportunity to free himself disappear. The bad guy is a good guy. He represents a part of ourselves that we must face to find back our balance. There is actually no other way but this one. Band-aids, pain killers and thérapeutic massages just offer an easy option to rub us up the right way so that we don’t choose liberation and victory. The bad guy is a good guy who wants you to understand that.
There are many other messages in Hollywood films, but this one is even more important that it will lead us directly to the victory.

“It would appear, were we to follow the long genealogy of heroes and heroines in mythos, that it is via the soul being stolen, mismanaged, disguised, disrupted, pre-empted or trodden upon, that some of the purest features of the psyche may rise up and begin to long for—call for—the return of that radiant companion and counsel.” – not my words but I’ll challenge you to guess whose 😉