Here is why nowadays music is shit compared to art. ‘Singers’ ‘sings’ in rhythm on one or two notes since Rihanna. This “music” is shit and that makes people stupid. Or maybe it is the opposite. Because people are stupid they make shitty music.
Chinese would laugh out loud listening that Katy Perry was sued by some guy for copying his songs. All music hits in asia are basically a copy of international american ones. But it is harder to sue a chinese artist. And even if he sells 10 times more with the copy than the original version (remember how many chinese?), nobody knows this chinese artist abroad. Anyway it seems that retarded of the “rock” and “yeye” period in France use to do the same and music was 100% inspired on American hits back then. And those Frenchies even dare to take stupid names like Johnny Hallyday, Dick Rivers ou Eddy Mitchell. How can you think you can respect them more than the rappers we have now, which have even more ridiculous names?
This kind of music has its purpose of course. But it is important to not mix everything. The so-called “artists” of our time have a great ego that serves itself. They are at most artcraft creators at the people/mass service. They are like drug dealers to let the mass fall lower and lower instead of let it fly. The “creator” nowadays is mostly no connected to something ‘subtle’, the invisible, and that is why we cannot call it an artist. He thinks he has to claim himself to be the owner of his work, because he knows it doesn’t come from “god”. His ego works actually more to make him create what already exists.
It is easy to convince ourselves of some work quality, maybe because habit or because we belong to a group. Art galleries owners know it well. The crappy painting of yesterday is different of today’s one but it will still be a crappy painting. “Artists” lose themselves in concepts and intellectual masturbation. Hence, they give value to the poo they just let out. “This artists breaks the rules because he pooed a red shit (he ate spicy), what a great innovation!”. It is definitely genius and what makes us closer from god. A kid would actually prefer his toy, it looks more beautiful to him.

As long as we don’t get rid of the master that teaches us everything, we are nothing. Become oneself cannot be made without inspiration, but at some point you have to bring the world something different, something better than just changing the color. Even if what you bring to the human kind is mix strawberry and lemon icecream in a new one, it is still creating. A mix of both existing strawberry and lemon but also different, because it is both at the same time and the sum of the two add another value to it. Western world is dying and the rest of the world is following, sometimes offer new direction though. A copy is a copy, but how can one be proud to be copied by Katy Perry and make a fuss about it? Human kind fell to low. Creation should be to support our evolution.
In this race of going faster and wanting more and more, there is quality facing quantity, and a Beethoven’s Symphony facing an actual beat that smells fart. And because many people think that the important is to win, not to take part in the race, we can guess who is going to win…
Pingback: Why asians copy and don’t see it as a problem – Jean K. Mathieu