Fart and elegance

When it comes to talk about France, we talk about elegance. If we talk about elegance we also talk about good manners. Restrain yourself to spread bad noises and bad smells in public is part of good manners. Thus in France it is really inappropriate to burp in public. As for farting you will definitely raise a diplomatic incident. But farting actually and talking about fart is different. Strangely in France, talking about fart is quite embarrassing.

When you blow the trumpet you have to take responsibility

Everybody knows that women are princess, they don’t go poo neither let one rip. It seems that in France, in addition to sex and money, they have the fart taboo.

According to your social class, your age and the time period of course things may vary a bit. But nowadays, it seems we don’t see many people on TV admit they already farted once in their life.

When we talk about weird things in Asia, we directly think about Japanese. I don’t really know this culture so I am not going to talk about it. However, by having spent a certain amount of time around Koreans, my small experience is interesting to share. It is quite obvious that for them, farting and pooing is natural. Whereas in France, it is not natural to be inelegant. While in France maybe once a year they let one fart air on TV (a lucky one!), Chinese and Koreans TV shows and movies keep refering to it.

Of course, we can also imagine that asian food has some properties that boost certain chemical reactions…

It seems that many documentaries about Japan and Korea mention Poo Museums. Indeed, everything that gets in must get out somewhere, to have an accurate balance sheet. Thus, Koreans are openly educated to fart because outside is better than inside. True. Look at these cartoons. Compared to these cartoons, Shreck is an angel.

Farting contest

In France, the book “Paco’s little poo” (a book for kids that litteraly smells shit) already make us sweat. In Korean programs, they are many examples where a kid prefer to keep playing than to release the fart, and of course it is not ending well. Very easy to enjoy these videos for Westerners.

“For how long you didn’t wash yourself??”

To take or not to take oneself seriously?

It seems the French adult take himself very seriously. Yes, even politician never fight like they sometimes did in Japan. A French must be elegant 24/7 and has to dress up to go to the corner store. On TV it is also very difficult for a celebrity to accept to be a normal human. In France, celebrities act like kings and queens. This is changing though, “thanks” to the globalization and the way our medias and politicians gets more “Americans”. But French have a certain representation of themselves they don’t want to ruin.

Start with a silent fart, end up with a brown one.

“- excuse me, where are the tissues?
– Over there, 70 cents.
– ok
– blah blah blah…
– …ahem…do you have men underwears?

Fart is like a rainbow, it is made of many different colors. See how it can get poetic? Indeed, you can have a silent one, which only the “author” knows the existence. A sort of work that he doesn’t want reveal. Then you have the private diary, a small wind still personal but a bit important for the author. Then comes next the whistling one, from an author feeling undervalued, and then the clown fart, the one that makes the kids laugh. We go from a color to another, from a noise to another and the last one is the Big bad Wolf and the things are getting serious at that moment. There is a danger when you fart too much, the risk is to let behind you a posthumous art piece:

No worries, the sound of the trumpet in public is embarrassing in most countries, but it just seems it is harder to talk about in some places

In France there is not many examples, you really need to be a Disgusting slob so that they let you fart without any trouble in a peak viewing time.

However we can notice that the French fart is similar to its people: he knows to be artistic to enjoy the moment, and also philosophical in lonely nights.

Farting contest in two parts
If nobody can enjoy the noise or the smell, you can still smell it yourself in give it a good mark.

I think you will enjoy other examples of my presentation about farts:

When you win it all: https://youtu.be/QMLr_ndAqd4

Better check twice that you are alone before farting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVJKaHbClOk

It is not me!! : https://youtu.be/64Y6KuzkDgo

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