About jealousy and possession.
“Jealousy is a sign of love. It means you really love that person. But if you don’t even care that someone approach the one you love, it maybe means you don’t love this person”.
What a nonsense. Do you agree? But unfortunately even if you agree this is nonsense you act the opposite way most of the time.
Jealousy is not a proof of love. Or your conception of love is different. Maybe you think that people are like phones and you own them. When you hear that love has no bounderies. It is true. Because it is the same love existing everywhere in the world. A lover, a dog, a tree, a stone are made of this matter of love. Cut the crap about lgbt and this kind of “no bounderies”. Talking about it makes these boundaries even more obvious. Stupid. The “no boundaries” is inside you.
We don’t own people
Jealousy as a way to express love, it is more a way to satisfy our lover’s ego, and filling up her/his insecurity, lack of confidence, which are all fears. Keeping our lover in this destroying behaviour…..Where is love here? I don’t know.

– Do you want a man that nobody wants?”

Love is much more than just an experience or a concept we name even if we never saw it. It is matter, it is water. Water is love. Love is the creator. It changes its shape every second and is everywhere. Indeed, it is not easy to figure out something that is everywhere and changing all the time.
Eventually, and this is a paradox, to love is to not care too much. Caring to much about what someone else do or feel shows insecurity, doubt about yourself. Not trusting others is not trusting ourselves. Pretty clear. Letting go is getting more. This is the kind of paradox that life is made of.
It is hard to not be jealous, especially for a girl. For a girl it is maybe equally difficult as it is for men to stop the intercourse before the grande finale. But it is the way out of a toxic relationship of possession and control.
Doing this, doing that, to show others that you love them is pretty much useless. Because love is closer from a state of being than from an action.
Why do you prefer your kid than others’?
There is a long way to go for showing humans the glimpse of an entrance to what is really love. Even our parents say they love us. It is partly true. The other part is when they “love” you even more when you act as they want you to act. They “love” you more when you are happy the way they want you to be happy only. They “love” you more when you are sad when grandma dies, because it is required. If you don’t act the way they expect you to act, they might not sleep well at night. Most people feel guilty about it. Guilt is dangerous and take us away from freedom.
Parents think the children they make is their own. They feel they have to prefer their kid to someone else’s. What a nonsense. Are other kids less worthy to be loved by you? Why do you prefer your kid than others’?
Parents feel they possess their kids while they are just bearing them and raising them. It is a different thing from possession, don’t you think? Parents are just responsible to raise the kid, they don’t possess the kid. And the guy or the girl doesn’t possess the lover. Thus, parents send their own fears to their kids by telling them they are afraid they study abroad (and eventhough they don’t say it, the emotionl energy is communicated anyway). They just express fears and try to control the uncontrollable. Same goes with couples. The girl tries to control the social interactions of ‘her’ boyfriend to avoid him to meet other girls. The boy controls what kind of clothes ‘his’ girlfriend wears because he cannot stand others to look at her.
Does more love mean more fences and more walls between humans? What a great lesson we teach to our kids…
Possession is the opposite of love. Jealousy is fear and thus the opposite of love. Jealousy can lead to control, controlling is not love, but merely the opposite.
Fear of loneliness, rejection, fear of losing the one we “love”, fear of other’s judgment… If we fear losing the one we love, it means we don’t love the right way. Yes, love is not passion, or any contract humans do through marriage. If we fear that the one we love leaves us for someone else, it means we don’t love, it means we don’t love ourselves neither.
Thinking like a computer
Most people still think like a computer, with a binary system. If we are not “together, lover, couple…” then we can just be friends. This is possession and selfishness. In this world most people think that we must only love one person. I think it is a bit weird. Big words like love, lifetime commitment etc… they are beautiful to our ears. But they don’t mean much in people’s life if they think we can only love one person. They say we can love several people in our life but not at the same time, other wise it is cheating. Because people think they own others’ hearts like objects.

Stop loving someone because he or she loves someone else. It is funnier than a bad joke.
Many nocive emotions are related to fear. All actually. Possession, jealousy are triggered by fear. Most of the time it is not necessary to be feared of anything except if we cross a lion on the street. Cities and societies are quite safe now. Destroying peace and love because of jealousy is really stupid and eventually just harm yourselves.
Once you will understand that you are not what you think, and that what you think is just a program, you will realize it.
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