Scatman is the Jean-Claude Vandamme of EDM
I want to talk about some songs from the 90’s. At that time I was a kid and that was my first times I went outside to enjoy with my friends at parties.

So one of these songs where from Scatman and also from Gala. And now I just listen to them again because I heard one of them in the coffee shop. I thought “oh why not have a playlist about these songs” so I look up on YouTube and I just found many of them, when you search for one song they suggest you different songs from the same period.
0% Drugs
0% Naked Girls
0% Cuss words
100% Scat
The time is right now,
For everyone to be happy.
Maybe we should stop pretending,
And start believing dreams come true.
The story has a happy ending,
It all depends on me and you.
There isn’t any time for secrets,
You know the truth is finally out.
Everything is in the music,
It’s time for us to stand and shout.
Since now I understand the lyrics (back then at 11 years old, my english was close to nothing) I can say that Scatman’s song is deep and quite spiritual. The lyrics mean something and it is not just “I love you, why did you leave me and I still love you and think about you…”. It is definitely not this kind of songs about love.
It is just deeper and more about how to be yourself, how to love yourself and how to be happy actually and not on the surface. I ended up listening a bunch of them (also some that I never heard before – Let it Go – ) and all his songs are really deep, great and positive
All you’ve got is the moment
‘Cause everything changes
Yeah I’ve looked everywhere and I still haven’t found
A new way of livin’ that’s wholesome and sound
Where speaking is wordless and closed eyes can see
Where all is at peace and we all can be free
Everybody’s speakin’, yet nobody talks
And everybody’s shakin’ and awalkin’ that walk
Unspeakable treasures begin to unfold
From stayin’ in the moment
Live in the moment
Life is for living in the moment
But it not only the lyrics but also the style of the guy. He’s already old and just released the first single, and this guy is really happy. I find interesting how he plays with the music by being not serious. It is pretty amazing how this guy sings really light heartedly, make some weird noises (scat) with his mouth (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop – but others songs are also very funny) . It almost makes no sense but it’s really fun. His songs are really energetic and not serious apparently. Being not serious is actually a big key to find who we are really.
This Scatman guy comes from Jazz and I guess his background helped him to have this perspective on life. Jazz musicians are very different from other musicians in my opinion.
The another song is form Gala and the song is called Freed from desire. It is full of meaning to me. Emotions can control your life, control how you are behave. Eventually you’re not free most of the time but people don’t realize that we have no choice. Maximum 10% of what we think is conscious and the rest of it we have no idea, we just act everyday, we are just slaves of our own emotions and something higher that us. So this Freed From Desire basically is about this. Get free from these basic desires because unbalanced emotions:
My love has got no money
He has got his strong beliefs
My love has got no power (…), no fame (…) no money
He has got his strong beliefs
Want more and more
People just want more and more
Freedom and love what he is looking for
Freed from desire
Mind and senses purified
And then the second song by Gala is called Let a boy cry and is about like “they say silver but I choose gold” so there’s a part of Alchimy out here. So of course gold means the first top position but it’s because the gold means a lot for an alchimist.
And they say silver I choose gold
I’ve never done as I’ve been told
In this song she also sings something about how to be yourself and how adults took away your dreams from you. You have dreams when you are a kid, you think you can do it, it is obvious for you. Then the society outside just change your self. Most of us, most people reading this lines will say “I’m just myself now, what do you mean? I live in a free democratic country, I can speak out and insult the president and I have tattoos. I am myself!“. Well, I’m not sure if this is really to be yourself, but you can still think about it…
You’re always waiting for somebody and you don’t like yourself
They made you change, do you remember when You were someone else?
Soldiers and dolls won’t give away my childhood dreams
I was a pirate, I conquered, and I sailed free.