Asians are pragmatic. They are not great creators but they are obviously good at copying. Since they are pragmatic, they usually prefer useful things than beautiful things. Therefore they can destroy to rebuild something modern and more useful. On the contrary, in Europe, they prefer to keep old buildings without thermal and phonic isolation, without elevator. They prefer to keep these old buildings instead of spoiling the urban “landscape”. Asians destroy things and use the existing one to improve it. As a result you get very convenient things.
The fashion that we are forced to accept is the same worldwide but it is also true that some people and cultures have preferences for certain styles. They choose different clothing styles. Asians like beautiful things but they will not let it win over the useful things.
By refusing this compulsory choice we can improve. Today you cannot decide between a short or long skirt? Choose both:

You cannot decide between jeans or yellow patterned skirt? Choose both!

The best of both world, or when choosing is a pain in the ass:

The people must rebalance and create what they wants, otherwise they will be forced to accept planned obsolescence products and the shitty contemporary art on the city’s squares financed by the taxes they paid. Fashion is by its very nature already outdated before it is trendy. Often it is a recycling of past generations – just the time that people forget it was so unfashionable, and just the time necessary for young girls to have saggy boobs.
By refusing the choice, we refuse the frustration inherent in the physical reality. The space-time limit forces us to make choices in this reality. Indeed, it is frustrating but it is a feature of the external reality.
The real choice, that nobody forces to make, is made inside ourselves, listening the intuition from within. The outside will always push you to choose an extreme choice. We can see that the chaste monk and the hookup are falling into the same trap. We can see that fidelity and your Casanova side can live together. The best choice will definitely not come from outside, but it is a personal composition. It will face the fears of your relatives, but it will be the best choice for you, at this moment.
Accepting the multiple choice, the impossible choice and the magic.
Let’s get out of the binary choice and going in circle syllogisms. Example: He cheats on me so he doesn’t love me. I break up with him or he breaks up with her. Eating rice or pastas. Because you can also not eat at all or eat rice noodles without finishing the plate.
Take back the control of your life!
Life is a scam, don’t fall for it.