Author name: Jean Kami

Les gens ne sont pas des téléphones

“La jalousie c’est un signe d’amour. Cela signifie qu’on aime vraiment la personne. Mais si on s’en fiche que quelqu’un approche celui qu’on aime, cela signifie peut-être qu’on ne l’aime pas vraiment.” Quelles conneries. Vous aussi vous trouvez? En tout cas, même si vous êtes d’accord, vous agissez à l’opposé la plupart du temps. La […]

Le rap du premier chakra

Voici une musique qui prend le meilleur du métal (grosses saturations sur la voix et sur les instruments) et le cœur du rap (grosse caisse et basse qui claque). Scarlxrd c’est un rap qui dégueule rien qu’en lisant le nom. C’est un rap qui donne envie de faire le plus grande atrocités et de se

The choice of no choice ends the duality: fashion in Asia

Asians are pragmatic. They are not great creators but they are obviously good at copying. Since they are pragmatic, they usually prefer useful things than beautiful things. Therefore they can destroy to rebuild something modern and more useful. On the contrary, in Europe, they prefer to keep old buildings without thermal and phonic isolation, without

Including practical to spiritual thought: age gap

Age reminds us that we play a game with physical boundaries. However there is always a way to push the limit and trick the game to get an unfair advantage. The lower limit What Nature says. In French we have a saying that goes like this “tant qu’il y a pelouse il y a match”.

Guys actually don’t give a damn about sex

It is a fact, when a guy have not fucked for three or four days in a row, things get dicey. His requirement usually lessen as time goes by and he is more likely to be trapped by any girl, because he has a feeling that he needs to balance this excessive energy. The younger

Facing Coronavirus: Asia vs West

Asians Comparing the situation in asia and in europe must be done with this in mind: Westerners Information and fears People freak out every once in a while, while their reality remains the same since they are born. News and social medias, as well as the crap friends talk about all day long, shape their

People are not phones

About jealousy and possession. “Jealousy is a sign of love. It means you really love that person. But if you don’t even care that someone approach the one you love, it maybe means you don’t love this person”. What a nonsense. Do you agree? But unfortunately even if you agree this is nonsense you act

If the Scatman can do it, so can you

Scatman is the Jean-Claude Vandamme of EDM I want to talk about some songs from the 90’s. At that time I was a kid and that was my first times I went outside to enjoy with my friends at parties. So one of these songs where from Scatman and also from Gala. And now I

Why asians copy and don’t see it as a problem

If asians copy, there must be a reason. They are not educated to think by themselves but to copy and imitate without thinking too much. They are also educated to respect the stability of the collective pyramid so that it will not collapse. Thus, they are educated to respect authority, to submit to it, to

The colors of Santa: Global Christmas in asia

It has been a long time already that Christmas is a business in anglo-saxon cultures. It has been a while since a bunch of artists make money by refreshing the same Christmas song every year. You can see that this phenomenon is more and more important. Traditionally in France it is harder to combine money

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